Lowering costs Easing Compliance

The New Standards are Here

The United States Pharmacopeia has issued new sterile preparation guidelines in response to life threatening infections associated with unsafely combined medications. The new regulations, outlined in USP 797, impact the manner in which allergen extracts may be combined and allergen doses can be prepared. Practices treating patients with allergy immunotherapy will be held to these new standards beginning in late 2019. MedAllergy RX system meets all USP 797 compliance checkpoints by involving compounding pharmacists and insuring in-office dose preparation with standardized sterile techniques, all while preserving practice revenue.

Doesn't Your Staff Have Better Things to do?

Aside from the obvious benefits of lower cost and easing compliance, what is the best use of this additional staff time now that they are no longer managing bulk extract inventory and compounding? Increasing patient adherence is the best way to improve outcomes. Did you know... Increasing adherence by 10% results in a 25% increase in immunotherapy revenue.

Our technology will make you re-think your allergy process

Why limit yourself to 5 and 10 mL vials?

Conventional allergy methods have remained constant, but MedAllergy RX is using its compounding technology to create efficiencies and lower the cost of sera for providers. Allergists have always prepared 5 and 10 mL vials. Why? The likely answer is that keeping things simple reduces the risk of error. This is always a concern when compounding is one of many tasks technicians perform and it may only represent a small percentage of their responsibilities. Have you ever discarded unused sera because 5 mL was more than what was needed for a ramp-up patient? Do you make a 10-week supply when making a 12-week supply instead could increase your efficiency by 20% by reducing the number of times per year that you are mixing?

MedAllergy’s Revolutionary Dosing Priority System

With MedAllergy RX, you can make exactly what you need for a specified duration of treatment. Our admin wizard captures your ramp-up schedule as well as your dosing regime. If you want a 12-week supply, you can get just that, even if it adds up to an odd volume. Just select the duration of treatment and the volume is auto-calculated. Need 6.7 mLs for 12-weeks of treatment? No problem!

Reduce Your Immunotherapy Expenses

You get reimbursed for immunotherapy by-the-dose; why not pay for sera the same way? Everyone has been there. If you buy the large size bulk extract from the manufacturer, you may not use it all before it expires. If you buy the small size, its nearly double the price. Paying per-dose for pharmacy compounded allergy sera means that your expenses will always mirror your revenue, resulting in consistent margins for every patient. You may not even realize that right now you could be receiving less in reimbursement than your expenses, particularly for maintenance patients that happen to be allergic to expensive extracts like dust and cat. Say goodbye to carrying expensive extract inventory. With MedAllergy RX, you pay the same for every dose, regardless of which extracts it contains and you only buy exactly what you need for each patient.

HSA is the Only Diluent We Use

Evidence shows that HSA is by far a superior diluent to phenolated saline. Sera diluted with HSA shows significantly less degradation over time and is less sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Yet many providers still use phenolated saline because it is less expensive. At MedAllergy RX, we only use HSA diluent for injection immunotherapy. The evidence is clear. Reducing cost at the expense of efficacy is not an option for us.

Worried about billing for sera obtained from outside your clinic ?

Billing for allergy immunotherapy is a complex task. Some question if practices can obtain compounded immunotherapy prescriptions from an outside source and bill for it. Contact MedAllergy today to learn about the options. You can purchase pharmacy compounded immunotherapy and perform the final preparation of the sera on-site in your clinic.

Still concerned about complying with USP <797>?

The new USP standards have forever changed the landscape of allergy practice. If you choose to do the final preparation of your vials on-site, do you still need to comply with 797? We know it’s debatable because we have practices of all different shapes and sizes that have differing opinions. Regulations are often not black and white. Consult with your own advisor and contact MedAllergy about our full compliance package, which includes aseptic training for your staff, fingertip and thumb sampling, media fill tests, and optional site evaluations.